The space owner and clothing designer, Manuel Garcia, has invited The John Hour to exhibit in his very creative menswear store/ exhibition space in the heart of an up and coming area of Madrid's city centre.
Some recent interventions and artist exhibitions include:

A particular favourite of ours is this installation based on the story 'Where the Wild Things Are' by visual merchandiser Ivan Latte.

Manuel says of the space, "Garcia Madrid evolves and grows together with collaborators and customers interested in fashion, art and design showing every season that there is a little Garcia inside each of us".
This show will be our first international exhibition in a new type of exhibition space and with a fresh audience. What a challenge, we are VERY excited.
Show runs 02/12/10 - 30/01/11 (Private View Wednesday 1st December 7-10pm) and will run for 2 months over the holiday season.
Garcia Madrid Store Corredera Baja de San Pablo 26 28004 Madrid Spain